Teaching with AI grading tools

How to Teach with AI Grading the Students' Work

As the educational landscape evolves, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly valuable tool for teachers. One of the most transformative applications of AI in education is in the grading process. By leveraging AI for grading, teachers can save time, provide consistent and unbiased assessments, and offer detailed feedback to students. Here's a guide on how to effectively teach with AI grading tools, inspired by insights from Tom Daccord.

Understanding AI Grading

AI grading tools, like those provided by Graded.Pro, use advanced algorithms to evaluate student work. These tools can handle various types of assignments, including multiple-choice quizzes, short-answer questions, essays, and mathematical problems. The AI analyses responses, identifies correct and incorrect answers, and provides feedback based on predefined criteria.

Steps to Teach with AI Grading

1. Integrate AI Grading Tools. Connect your AI grading tool with your existing learning management system (LMS), such as Google Classroom. This integration allows the AI to automatically fetch student submissions, eliminating the need for manual uploads.

2. Provide Contextual Information. For AI to grade effectively, it needs context. Provide a sample of graded work along with your feedback. This helps the AI understand your grading style and criteria. Include rubrics and examples to guide the AI in assessing student work accurately.

3. Leverage AI for Structured Writing. AI excels at grading structured assignments like the five-paragraph essay. The AI can evaluate the introduction, thesis statement, supporting arguments, and conclusion. Ensure your students follow a clear structure to maximise the benefits of AI grading.

4. Combine Human Oversight. While AI can handle initial grading, teachers should review the AI-generated grades and feedback. This ensures accuracy and allows for personalised feedback. Human oversight is crucial, especially for nuanced or creative assignments that AI might struggle with.

5. Use AI for Immediate Feedback. AI tools can provide instant feedback, which is invaluable for student learning. Immediate feedback helps students understand their mistakes and learn from them quickly. This timely response keeps students engaged and motivated.

6. Incorporate AI in Various Subjects. AI is effective across different subjects. In mathematics, AI can grade numerical problems and equations accurately. For written assignments, AI can analyse grammar, syntax, and logical coherence. Use AI to handle diverse types of student work, making grading more efficient and comprehensive.

Benefits of AI Grading

Time Efficiency: AI significantly reduces the time teachers spend on grading, allowing more focus on teaching and student interaction.
Consistency and Fairness: AI provides uniform grading standards, reducing bias and ensuring fair assessments.
Detailed Feedback: AI tools can generate detailed, typeset feedback, helping students understand their errors and improve their work.

Practical Tips for Effective AI Grading

Create Clear Prompts. Provide clear instructions to the AI on how to grade and what to focus on. Include specific grading criteria and contextual information.
Combine Documents. When uploading documents, combine your grading criteria, rubrics, and sample feedback into a single PDF. This ensures the AI has all the necessary information in one place.
Adapt AI Feedback. Use the AI feedback as a starting point and adjust it based on individual student needs. Personalised feedback remains crucial for effective teaching.


Teaching with AI grading tools can revolutionise the way educators manage their workload and enhance student learning. By integrating AI into the grading process, teachers can save time, ensure fair assessments, and provide detailed feedback. Platforms like Graded.Pro make this integration seamless, offering tools that are both powerful and easy to use. Embrace AI grading to transform your teaching practice and support your students' academic growth.

For more information and to get started with AI grading, visit Graded.Pro